A True Performer

I am pretty picky when it comes to entertainers.  I mean, really picky.  I don't know why, but it takes a lot to impress me.  So this summer when I attended a concert and was not only impressed, but laughed my head off, I was excited.  

Jason Lyle Black is a talented pianist.  I tell you what...this kid can play anything from classical, to rock and play it with precision and style.  And, he can even play it backwards and upside down.  

Check out when he was on the Ellen show.  

But what makes him special is his ability to surprise you with unexpected humor.  Like finding a way to play Michael Jackson's "Thriller" at a wedding.  Check out the video on his website www.jasonlyleblack.com

Now, I really enjoyed his concert, and not just because I won a prize for knowing his favorite musical comedian (Victor Borge-check him out if HERE), but because my girls and I had such a good time together.  There was a little something in his show for everyone.  Disney mashups for the kids and some humor that the older crowd enjoyed.

This performer has it all!  And on top of that, he's just a great guy.  I finally officially met him for the first time at a National Speakers Association event a few weeks ago.  After a few minutes chatting we decided to exchange his cd Piano Preludes for my book Master Your Mindset   A few days later not only did I receive his CD, but he also sent an autographed picture for each of my children, thanking them for coming to his show, and a special note of thanks for me.  That's class folks.


I invite you to take a minute to listen to his cd, watch some of his videos, and if you ever get a chance to see him live, TAKE IT!  You can even listen on Pandora HERE.  Check him out at www.jasonlyleblack.com or on Youtube.   I can't wait to see where his career takes him.